View|Explorer Panel

(available in EditPad Pro only)

The Explorer Panel is a panel that sits docked at the left side of EditPad’s window. You can make it visible by selecting Explorer Panel in the View menu. You can dock the panel elsewhere by dragging its caption bar or its tab.

The Explorer Panel functions as a miniature version of Windows Explorer, the file manager that is part of Windows. With EditPad Pro’s Explorer panel, you can easily open files without having to go through File|Open. You can also copy, move and delete files, even if you didn’t open those files in EditPad Pro. The copy, move and delete commands in the Explorer Panel work on the files that you’ve selected in the Explorer panel, rather than the files you have opened in EditPad Pro.

By default, the Explorer Panel shows a tree of all drives, folders and files on your computer. Since the list of files may be too long to work comfortably, you can apply various filters to make the Explorer Panel show only those files you’re interested in.

The Explorer panel provides various commands in its right-click menu. Some of these commands also have their own buttons on the toolbar at the top of the Explorer panel.


If you’ve selected one or more files, the Open button will open those files into the current project, just like File|Open would do. If you’ve selected one or more folders, the Open button will open all files in all the selected folders and all the subfolders of the selected folders. However, only files passing the Explorer Panel’s filter will be opened, since those are the only files visible in the Explorer Panel.

Save into Folder

This command is identical to the File|Save As command, except that it defaults to the folder that you have selected in the Explorer Panel, or the folder containing the file that you have selected. The file that is saved is the file that you are editing, just like File|Save As does.

Create Folder

Create a new folder under the folder that you have selected in the Explorer Panel. You will be prompted for the folder’s name.

Select Active File

If the file you’re editing in EditPad Pro has a file name (i.e. you’ve saved it), you can click the Select Active File button to select that file in the Explorer Panel. Drives and folders in the Explorer Panel’s tree will be expanded as needed. If the file you’re editing is not visible in the Explorer Panel because you’ve filtered it out, then the folder containing the file will be selected instead.

Up Folder

The Up Folder button is a quick way to select the folder that contains the currently selected file or folder. If the home folder is selected when you click the Up Folder button, EditPad Pro will make the home folder’s parent folder the new home folder. If the home folder is a drive, then the desktop space becomes the new home folder.

Favorite Folders

To add a folder to your favorite folders, click on the downward pointing arrow next to the Favorite Folders button, and click on the Add Selected Folder item. You can then quickly select that folder in the Explorer Panel by clicking on the downward pointing arrow next to the Favorite Folders button, and clicking on the folder you want to select.

Set Home Folder

Click the Set Home Folder button to make the currently selected folder the root folder of the Explorer Panel. Any folders above the home folder will be invisible. If you save all your text files on a particular drive or in a particular folder, setting that drive or folder as the home folder will make the Explorer Panel easier to navigate. EditPad Pro will remember your home folder next time you run it. The Explorer Panel will then load much faster, as it only has to scan the home folder that you specified, rather than all drives and network resources connected to your PC.

Explore in Windows Explorer

Launches Windows Explorer showing the folder that you selected in the Explorer Panel. If you selected a file or a project, then Windows Explorer is launched showing the folder containing that file or project, with that file or project selected in Windows Explorer.


If you selected one file, the Copy button will ask you for a folder where to save the file, and a name to save it under. With one file, the Copy command works like File|Save Copy As, except that it copies the file you selected in the Explorer Panel rather than the active file.

If you selected more than one file, or you selected one or more folders, the Copy button will ask you for a folder to copy all the selected files and folders into. Folders will be copied entirely, including all their files and all their subfolders. All files will be copied, including files that are invisible in the Explorer Panel because of the file filter.

Rename / Move

If you selected one file, the Rename / Move button will ask you for the folder you want to move the file into, and the new name you want to give it. With one file, the Rename / Move command works like File|Rename / Move, except that it renames and/or moves the file you selected in the Explorer Panel rather than the active file.

If you selected more than one file, or you selected one or more folders, the Rename / Move button will ask you for a folder to move all the selected files and folders into. The files and folders will be moved only, not renamed. Folders will be moved entirely, including all their files and all their subfolders. All files in the selected folders will be moved, including files that are invisible in the Explorer Panel because of the file filter.


Click the Delete button to delete the selected files and folders. When deleting files and folders from the hard disk, they will be moved into the Windows Recycle Bin.


Reload the list of files and folders under the selected folder.