File|Reload from Disk

Select File|Reload from Disk from the menu to revert the active file to the status it had when it was last saved. This can be useful if you are viewing a file that is being written to by another program.

If you switch tabs within EditPad or if you switch to another application and then back to EditPad, then EditPad automatically checks whether the file on disk has been changed. If so, and you have not modified the file in EditPad, it is automatically reloaded. If you did modify the file in EditPad, you are asked if you want to keep the changes made in EditPad or reload from disk. In the Open Files Preferences, you can disable the automatic reload, or make EditPad always prompt before reloading.

If you click Keep Changes, EditPad does not reload the file. It will not overwrite the file on disk unless you use File|Save. If you want to keep both the changes you’ve made in EditPad and the modified copy of the file on disk, click the Keep Changes button, and then use File|Save As to save the changes in EditPad into a new file.

EditPad Pro gives you an additional option to see the difference between the file in EditPad and the file on disk. If you click the See Difference button, EditPad Pro invokes Extra|Compare with File on Disk. EditPad Pro does not reload the file. It does not ask you again to reload the file unless and until it is changed on disk again. If you want to reload the file from disk after looking at the differences, use the File|Reload from Disk menu item.

If you used File|Tail to continuously reload a file at a certain interval, you can still use File|Reload from Disk to reload the file before the interval has elapsed. If you used File|Tail to load only the tail end of the file, then File|Reload from Disk appends or reloads the tail end of the file in the same way that continuous reloading does.

See Also

File menu
Project|Reload Files from Disk
Open Files Preferences