Search Option: Loop Automatically (Loop)

Click the Loop button on the Search toolbar to turn on the “loop automatically” search option if you want Find Next, Find Previous, Replace and Find Next and Replace and Find Previous to automatically restart searching from the start or end of the file when no further search matches can be found. If the “all files“ option is on then EditPad restarts from the first file (find next) or the last file (find previous) in the project. If “all projects” is also on then EditPad restarts from the first file in the first project (find next) or the last file in the last project (find previous).

When EditPad finds a match after having looped (i.e. restarted from the start or end), then the glyph on the search command button that you clicked flashes briefly, showing a “looped” glyph.

See Also

Search|Prepare to Search
Search Options
Search Option: All Files (Files)
Search Option: All Projects (Projects)