Convert|To Macintosh (CR only)

Converts the active file to the line break style used by the Apple Macintosh. On the Macintosh, text files use a single Carriage Return character to terminate a line. Note that OS X applications may use the LF only UNIX format rather than the classic Mac CR only format. Only the line termination characters are converted. Anything else remains untouched.

To EditPad, it does not matter whether a file uses Windows, UNIX, or Mac line breaks. EditPad even handles files that use a mixture of all three. However, other applications often only support the "proper" line breaks for their environment. Classic Mac applications may try to display the LF in Windows text files, resulting in a weird character at the start of each line.

Use the Convert|To Macintosh command to make sure your file uses consistent classic Mac line breaks if you'll be using the file with older Mac applications. If the Convert|To Macintosh menu item is grayed out, that means the file already uses classic Mac line breaks consistently.

If line break styles matter for your work, use the Status Bar Preferences to enable a status bar indicator to show the file's (dominant) line break style. In EditPad Pro, in the Editor Preferences you can configure Options|Visualize Line Breaks to display the actual line break style for each line rather than a generic paragraph marker.

See also

Convert Menu
Convert|To Windows (CR LF)
Convert|To UNIX (LF only)