Options|Keep Indent

Turn on Options|Keep Indent if you want the next line to automatically start at the same column position as the previous line whenever you press Enter on the keyboard while in the editor. EditPad accomplishes this by counting the number of spaces and tabs at the beginning of the previous line and inserting them at the beginning of the new line you created by pressing Enter.

When Keep Indent is on, using the Backspace key when there is only whitespace to the left of the cursor either deletes a single space, or deletes multiple spaces to go back to the previous level of indentation. The “backspace unindents” option in the Cursor Preferences determines this.

If you want EditPad Pro to automatically increase or decrease indentation based on the file’s syntax when you press Enter, then turn on Options|Auto Indent. Turning off Keep Indent automatically turns off Auto Indent.

Note that “keep indent” is a file type specific setting in EditPad. If you change the setting through the Options menu or the toolbar, it is applied to the active file only. If you create a new file or open an existing one then EditPad uses the setting you made on the Tabbing page for the type of file you are creating or opening. Also, when you use File|Save As to save the file as a different file type, the setting for the current file changes to what you specified for the new file type.

If you change a file’s “keep indent” setting, EditPad Pro remembers that when you close and reopen the file if you tick “preserve file settings” on the Save Files page in the Preferences. EditPad Lite does not have this option.

See Also

Options menu
Options|Auto Indent
File Types|Tabbing
Cursor Preferences