Convert|Characters|&htmlchar; ⇒ Characters

(available in EditPad Pro only)

Select the &htmlchar; ⇒ Characters command in the Characters submenu of the Convert menu to replace all named HTML entities into their actual characters. If you select some text before using this command, only HTML entities in the selection are replaced. Otherwise, all HTML entities in the file are replaced.

The conversion will only be successful if all the characters can be represented in the encoding used by the file. If not, use Convert|Text Encoding to change the encoding before converting the HTML entities. HTML entities that represent characters that are not supported by the file’s encoding will not be converted. EditPad will pop up a message to alert you when this happens.

This command does not replace numeric character references. Only named HTML entities are replaced. To replace both named HTML entities and numeric character references, use both the &htmlchar; ⇒ Characters command and the Convert|Characters| and  ⇒ Characters command.

This command also does not replace HTML entities that represent reserved characters such as <. To replace those, use Convert|Characters|XML Entities ⇒ Reserved Characters.

Use the &htmlchar; ⇒ Characters command when you actually want to remove the HTML entities from your file. Do not use this command if you have a file that is pure ASCII with HTML entities and you want to be able to see the actual characters while keeping HTML entities in the file. To do that, use Convert|Text Encoding and select the “ASCII + &htmlchar;” encoding. This encoding makes EditPad Pro display the actual characters, but keeps the HTML entities in the file. If you type or paste non-ASCII characters while using the “ASCII + NCR” encoding, they will be automatically stored as HTML entities in the file.

See Also

Convert menu
Convert|Characters| and  ⇒ Characters
Convert|Characters|Characters ⇒ &htmlchar;
Convert|Characters|Reserved Characters ⇒ XML Entities
Convert|Characters|XML Entities ⇒ Reserved Characters
Convert|Text Encoding